My vision for Idea Tank75 is to not help rebuild our communities through small business endeavors. For example, someone in the community bakes the best cakes you have ever tasted and they need one thousand dollars to start a home bakery, or someone wants to sponsor, charter bus trips and need fifteen hundred for the down payment and someone else needs seven hundred dollars to start a crafting business. Well Idea Tank75 through networking events can bring those people together along with community investors to fund their business endeavors. The website will be used not only for information but also a place where users can connect with one another to discuss small business endeavors and community development.
Everyone deserves to live a life they can be proud of and one that affords them the time to pursue their interest. You should not have to compromise your happiness and your dreams because you do not have the right resources or connections. There a literally millions of people across the world that have great ideas which can impact the lives of us all.
Idea Tank75 has become my life's mission,I refuse to allow doubt and fear stop me and you from impacting the lives of so many people. I started a blog called a few months back, my blog is all about providing positive information with a focus on encouraging entrepreneurship. I recently realized that without the proper networking, I am limited in the number of lives I can impact.This is why I have a project on Kickstarter, to reach a larger number people to join our community.
Once I am able to reach my funding goal I plan to use the money to enhance my blog or convert to a website, trademarking my logo, incorporate my blog into a business,place a down payment on a small location to host my first networking event, promotion,a camera to record this event and to take pictures with. Any other funds will be used to seek out guest speakers and those with resources to enhance my event. After my first successful networking event in Baltimore,Md I plan to travel to nearby cities to continue spreading the word and building our community.
In order to get the word out about my project, I will not only use social media but I will be in the public eye promoting myself, similar to that of a politician during election season. I will be out with my signs communicating with everyone I meet. I will be giving away free water and other low cost items (with my own money) as a way to encourage the support of my project. I will not be promoting a few days a week, instead I will be doing this everyday even after my goal is met. By funding my project you will not only be changing my life but possibly, changing the life of every person I meet. I know that with your help we can help create entrepreneurs and help people retire comfortably.