Saturday, November 29, 2014


By: Brandon Gaskins

      Way back in 2008 when President Obama took office many people in the black community was expecting him to implement the black agenda. Some thought President Obama would be able to eradicate our people being undervalued, exploited and overlooked. Well its 2014 and soon President Obama's 2nd term will be over and in case I missed it, there has been no implementation of the black agenda. If you Google the black agenda, you will not be directed to a federal government website or subsidiary that outlines plans for the black agenda, you wont find a think tank group that focuses on using African American resources to uplift our communities. To make matters worst it seems as if many in the African American community are infighting trying to determine what is the black agenda.    
                                  Remenber when this guy was not black enough?


 There is so much infighting in the black community that little to no progress has been made in our impoverished neighborhoods. Sadly some black people have adopted racism and judge black people on how light skinned or dark skinned they are. If you look in the dictionary black is defined as the absent of light, enveloped in darkness. You cannot define a person by a color and therefore you cannot create an agenda for an ethnic group based on color.   

     As Americans do we not all want the same things in regards to our families prospering in peace without unwarranted threats. There is nothing a progressive Caucasian family wants that a progressive African family does not want. Most all religions are multicultural, does that mean we have multicultural God's and those God's benefit one ethnic group. 

     If we in the African American community could set aside whatever differences we have that keep us separated, there would not be a need for the black agenda. We already have the tools we need to uplift our communities. We have got to stop spending our money with businesses where those dollars do not come back to our neighborhoods. We have got to stop believing that all the problems in our communities can only be solved by an African. If a Caucasian,Latino or any other ethnic group, can offer a solution to any of my problems without me having to jeopardize my morale's, I will  gladly accept the help. We have got to stop judging one another on the basis of skin color alone if we are ever going to grow as people.




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