Saturday, February 1, 2014

10 Warning Signs Your Job is Becoming Obsolete

Summary from by Laura Laemmie Frongillo

 In our unstable economic times, there are few employees who feel absolutely sure their jobs will be around a decade from now. However it is unproductive to be distracted by needless worry everyday. Pay attention to true warnings, but don't get too caught up in office gossip, it can lead to low morale. Just keep your eyes open for these warning signs that your job may be on the way to the downsize dump.

  1. There Are Rumors- Generally when there are rumblings about layoffs, it is going to happen. Who, what, when and how are the only questions. Google your company, you may find related articles, editorials or blogs about your company or even former employees airing dirty laundry.
  2. Company Stocks Continue to Plummet- A quarter or two of weak earnings is to be expected, some drops are actually anticipated and written into the overall financial picture. Look at the stock history and read what the analyst are projecting for the future.
  3. Your Work Load Has Decreased- If your boss is reassigning your projects or giving you less to do, be concerned. If you are being asked to train others (especially lower paid employees) to do what you do. 
  4. Your Last Review Contained Nearly A Rave- If there was nothing positive in your recent performance review, despite the fact that you took steps to increase your workload and training, consider this a warning
  5. Decreased Benefits and Other Cost Cutting Measures- If you have noticed a general decline in benefits like medical insurance, 401k plans, even company picnics and holiday parties, chances are there are other bigger changes a foot.
  6. New Boss, Shuffled Management- Although it does not necessarily indicate anything bad, a shuffling of management positions or getting a new boss are signs that a layoff could be eminent. Pay close attention to the reasons of the reorganization.
  7. Are You Getting The Cold Shoulder?- Are you suddenly not in the loop, either not invited to meetings or ignored when you are present, you or at least your job could be head for obsolescence.
  8. Rumors of A Merger or Acquisition Are Flying- Many times when a company is bought by, or merged with another organization, pink slips are bound to fly.
  9. Company Starts Outsourcing and Offshoring- If you notice your company is starting to, dabble in hiring overseas workers, especially if the employees do what you do, it could be time to worry.
  10. Machines Are Doing Your Job- If you are a telephone switchboard operator, bank teller or cashier you are working on borrowed time. basically if technology has made you a middle man your days are numbered.

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