Dreams are so beautiful, they shine so brilliantly, a life where your needs and wants are fulfilled simultaneously; Stress is no longer a component in your life... THEN YOU WAKE UP. How do we get to that life where we are fulfilled completely? We ask ourselves that question several hundred thousand times throughout our lifetime. However a million times a day we are reminded, anything we put our mind to we can do.The irony of life is until we truly stand by our faith (not to be confused with religion), we will continue to suffer in situations that are stressful and unfulfilled.
So what is fear? Is it something your can touch or smell; No. Fear is something we make up in our head. It has no value, it only has value when we add value to it. Fear does not exist until we give it life. Your scared of going without for awhile or adjusting your lifestyle where you only have the bare minimum? Well you should be terrified of getting old in America without have a six figure retirement. You cannot save up that kind of money, your 401k will not produce that kind of money. The cost of living is increasing so rapidly that your savings will not be able to support you; that's if you are able to save anything at all. You have got to stop allowing your own mental barriers from preventing you from living out your dreams.
Now you have the courage to attempt to change your life and the energy you feel sustains you for the
Okay now we have gotten past the fear of trying to live out our dreams, we have moved past the assumption that our goal is not obtainable, but I can start on it tomorrow. Tomorrow comes yet somehow we don't start changing our lives. Its procrastination, we have all the tools but feel like we have time to spare to start putting them to work. We let the minutes, hours and days go by without putting in the leg work to see our dreams come true. Do not dwell on things that alter your mind state, once you are energized from the belief that you can change your life you must sustain that energy and be fearful of living a life that is not your dream life.